Visit Desert Aire at AHR Expo 25
Visit Desert Aire at AHR Expo 25 February 10-12 in Orlando, FL
Check out our Guide to a Controlled Environment Agriculture Chilled Water HVACD System Design
Find Out How Evaporation, Condensation and Dew Point Relate in an Indoor Pool
Create the perfect indoor pool area environment with ExpertAire
The ExpertAire dehumidification system is available for a new space or as a retrofit.
GrowAire™ Systems Case Study [Video]
Would you like to see what the perfect day to grow indoors looks like? Desert Aire has produced a new case study video that highlights the GrowAire™ System climate control solution developed for Revolutionary Clinics, a licensed medical marijuana cultivation facility in Fitchburg, Mass. Titled "Creating The Perfect Day," the 5-minute video features interviews with key customer and project team members.
Dehumidifiers & Dehumidifying Equipment for Every Environment
At Desert Aire, our calling is to provide customers with indoor air quality solutions that help people live, work and play in healthy and productive environments.
As recognized leaders in dehumidification and dedicated outdoor air systems, we apply deep engineering expertise, advanced technology and focused service & support to meet your design goals with solutions that are accurate, durable and efficient.
We provide dehumidification solutions for a huge variety of different applications, and manufacture multiple different types of dehumidification systems. Not sure which dehumidifier is right for the job? Don’t hesitate to Contact Us or Request a Quote for more information.

Our cost-effective solutions for homeowners with indoor pools, spas and whirlpools promote comfort as well as indoor air quality and protect the value of homes.
Hotel & Hospitality

Hotel & Hospitality
We offer complete humidity and temperature control solutions and systems that precisely regulate outdoor air, helping hospitality leaders create hotel and meeting facilities that guests prefer.
Schools & Universities

Schools & Universities
We offer schools and universities with natatoriums, pool rooms, storage rooms and archives long-lasting solutions that establish and maintain comfortable, safe and productive indoor environments.
Indoor Aquatic Facilities

Indoor Aquatic Facilities
Our solutions meet the needs of swimming pool owners and operators to protect the health of swimmers, maintain ideal comfort levels, promote the structural integrity of buildings and conserve energy.
Grow Rooms & Indoor Farming

Grow Rooms & Indoor Farming
Our solutions help ensure your crops thrive under the very best conditions and you attain the crop qualities you desire, through all growth, drying, curing and packaging phases.
Commercial Office Buildings

Commercial Office Buildings
Our systems properly condition ventilation air in commercial office buildings and provide temperature and humidity control for the comfort of users, while delivering significant operational savings.
Water & Wastewater Treatment

Water & Wastewater Treatment
Our systems economically help protect equipment from corrosion under low ambient conditions by removing moisture in the winter or summer, especially when raw water temperatures approach 32°F (0°C).
Industrial, Warehouse & Storage

Industrial, Warehouse & Storage
Our systems protect inventory and valuables from mold and mildew that would otherwise form when moisture migrates through walls, openings and ceilings into warehouse and industrial storage rooms.
Supermarket & Retail

Supermarket & Retail
Our systems enhance the consumer appeal of products in display cases, preventing condensation and fogging on refrigerated display case doors, and hoar frost on frozen food – while saving energy.
Library & Archive

Library & Archive
Our systems protect the contents of libraries and archives by preventing mold, mildew and yellowing – and regulate outside air to remove excess humidity and supply the air at room temperature.
Ice Rinks

Ice Rinks
Our systems keep space humidity low to prevent condensation on ceilings, fog over the ice surface and soft ice – while our “defrost-on-demand” technology ensures peak performance of evaporator coils.
Healthcare Facilities

Healthcare Facilities
Designed and built for many years of humidity control, our systems promote the health of occupants and maintain ideal comfort levels – while protecting building spaces from mold, mildew and moisture.
Cannabis Indoor Grow Rooms & Farming

Cannabis Indoor Grow Rooms & Farming
Desert Aire understands that growing cannabis indoors requires more than your traditional dehumidification process – it requires heating, cooling, and dehumidification

Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS)

Dehumidification Systems

GrowAire™ Systems and DriCure™ Systems

Indoor Pool Systems
Your HVAC Specialists
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Desert Aire Case Studies
Commercial Dehumidifier for Indoor Pool at Local Athletic Club
The owners of this community athletic club needed to replace their non-functioning dehumidifier. This multi-use pool was used for teaching,...Application: Indoor Aquatic Facilities
Industrial Dehumidifier for Pelt Processing Facility
Internationally recognized mink fur pelt manufacturer based in Sheboygan Falls, WI, contacted De Troye Electric Service an electrical and controls...Application: Industrial, Warehouse & Storage
Grow Room Dehumidifier Yields Better Greens for Farmer
Green Sense Farms an indoor grower of greens, culinary herbs and lettuces realized the conventional grow room air conditioning units and portable...Application: Grow Rooms & Indoor Farming
Swimming Pool Dehumidifier Sizing
Swimming Pool Dehumidifier Sizing and Load Determination Overview This application note highlights the source of moisture loads in pool room...Application: Indoor Aquatic Facilities
Grow Room Load Determination
This application note provides a general understanding of Desert Aire's approach to determining the sensible and latent loads of indoor farms. The...Application: Grow Rooms & Indoor Farming
Industrial Dehumidifier Sizing
The industrial and manufacturing industries are always looking for ways to increase production, limit spoilage and increase quality of product...Application: Industrial, Warehouse & Storage
HVAC Systems and Grow Room Energy Usage
In an effort to control temperature and humidity in grow rooms many growers install HVAC systems that haven’t been integrated. For example, when...Application: Grow Rooms & Indoor Farming
Basic Dehumidification Refrigeration Flow Diagrams
This technical bulletin will show how a refrigerant type dehumidifier recovers the heat from the water vapor and disperses the energy to different...Application: General
Dehumidification and the Psychrometric Chart
The psychrometric chart has been well documented in a wide variety of technical textbooks and journals. This technical bulletin will not attempt to...Application: General
DX - DOAS Control Strategy
As consulting engineers and end users implement ASHRAE 62 or the International Mechanical Code (IMC), they must select the appropriate temperature...Application: General
Refrigerant Condenser vs. Fluid Cooler
For most DX refrigeration-based dehumidification systems the traditional method to provide air conditioning to the space was to add an outdoor air-...Application: General
Grow Room Environmental Control
This application note provides a summary of plant, grow room and indoor farm needs and describes the reasons for the success of Desert Aire's...Application: Grow Rooms & Indoor Farming
Vapor Pressure Deficit and HVAC System Design
This application note defines Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) and discusses the impact VPD has on plant yields, protecting crops, the sizing of...Application: Grow Rooms & Indoor Farming
Water Treatment Plant and Pumping Station Dehumidifier Sizing
This application note will examine the causes and cure for humidity problems in water treatment plants and pumping stations. Download...Application: Water & Wastewater Treatment
Indoor Pool Ventilation System Requirements
This technical bulletin reviews the outdoor air ventilation requirements for indoor swimming pool enclosures. Download The PDF Version...Application: Indoor Aquatic Facilities
Interaction of Pool Water and Air Chemistry
With the acceptance of ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) Standard 62.1-2022 concerning indoor air...Application: Indoor Aquatic Facilities
Structure Design in Grow Room Applications
This application note explores the importance of incorporating structure type into the design process at an early stage. Without this integration,...Application: Grow Rooms & Indoor Farming
"Creating The Perfect Day" in Revolutionary Cannabis Grow Rooms
Revolutionary Clinics, a Massachusetts Registered Medical Marijuana Dispensary (RMD), grows cannabis products from seed in a state-of-the-art...Application: Grow Rooms & Indoor Farming
New YMCA Gets Latest Dehumidification Technology
Winona Family YMCA has a new facility with a natatorium that provides a safe, educational and fun swimming experience with a Desert Aire SelectAire...Application: Indoor Aquatic Facilities
Dehumidification System Helps Create Community Through Local Indoor Farming of Greens and Fish in Georgia
Desert Aire's GrowAire dehumidification system is helping create community through local sustainable indoor farming of greens and fish in Peach...Application: Grow Rooms & Indoor Farming
ExpertAire Dehumidifier Maintains Comfort in Residential Pool Room
Home owner Bill Siveter contacted Carlton Pools in Bucks County, PA to build a pool. Desert Aire Rep Bob Julius of H.C. Nye selected and sized a...Application: Residential
Impact of Design Conditions on Grow Facility Equipment Performance
An indoor cannabis grow operation is, in essence, a manufacturing process that has many variables that must be controlled to maximize the yield of...Application: Cannabis Indoor Grow Rooms & Farming
SelectAire SA60 Dehumidifies New Aquatic Center
The 107,000 sq ft Trager Family Jewish Community Center in Louisville, KY built a new 37,000 sq. ft. health and wellness center facility with an 8,...Application: Indoor Aquatic Facilities
Florida Aquatics Swimming and Training Facility Prepares For Olympics
Florida Aquatics Swimming & Training (FAST) is a premier aquatic training and Olympic training competition venue in the Southeast United States....Application: Indoor Aquatic Facilities