Our videos highlight the genuine desire we have to provide indoor air quality solutions so that people can live, work and play in clean, healthy and dry environments. Please select a video from the list and links below.
Dehumidifier YouTube Videos from Desert Aire
This video describes Desert Aire’s ExpertAire™ LCQ Series (5 to 15 ton capacity) air-cooled packaged dehumidification units’ components, features and benefits that make it effective for indoor pool dehumidification applications.
The new GrowAire™ with VPDsync™ environmental control continues Desert Aire's product line for indoor grow rooms to provide temperature and humidity levels for optimal cannabis grow room conditions.
Learn more about VPDsync environmental control in a video with a detailed explanation of how and why it works to create the perfect day in an indoor growing environment.
This video describes a Desert Aire GrowAire™ 4 to 15 ton capacity small footprint size unit used for dehumidification. The video is a detailed review of a GrowAire unit components and features and benefits that make it effective and easy for growers to use. The GrowAire unit applications include indoor farming grow rooms such as cannabis cultivation and other indoor agriculture environments.
This video describes Desert Aire’s GrowAire™ Aura™ Series (8 to 30 ton) air-cooled packaged dehumidification unit’s components, features and benefits that make it effective for indoor controlled environment agriculture dehumidification applications in outdoor and rooftop installations.
This video describes Desert Aire’s GrowAire™ TotalAire™ Series (36 to 60 ton) dehumidification unit’s components, features and benefits that make it effective for indoor controlled environment agriculture dehumidification applications.
This video introduces Desert Aire, including its history, engineering, manufacturing, quality, sales and service.
Desert Aire SelectAire Plus™ (SP) System 70 ton Capacity Large Indoor Pool Unit Review
This 5-minute video describes a Desert Aire SelectAire Plus 70 ton capacity unit used for dehumidification of indoor pools, natatoriums and water parks. The video is a detailed review of a SelectAire Plus SP 70 unit’s components, features and benefits. The SelectAire Plus unit applications include indoor pool rooms such as collegiate swimming pools, natatoriums, water parks and warehouses.
This video shows a Desert Aire SelectAire Plus™ Packaged System used for indoor pool dehumidification built in 5 pieces for easy shipping and installation at the job site.
This video describes Desert Aire’s ExpertAire LC Series (1 to 15 ton) and LV Series (3 to 8 ton) dehumidification units’ components, features and benefits that make it effective for small pool and general dehumidification applications.
This video showcases a variety of indoor aquatic facilities and indoor farming grow room environments, two of Desert Aire's popular dehumidification equipment applications and selections of Desert Aire's Aura, SelectAire, GrowAire, ExpertAire equipment installed in aquatic centers, natatoriums, hotel and public and residential pools, as well as indoor farming, cannabis grow rooms and other applications.
Desert Aire produced "Creating The Perfect Day," a 5-minute case study video that highlights the GrowAire™ System climate control solution developed for Revolutionary Clinics, a licensed medical marijuana grow facility in Fitchburg, Mass.
This video shows how to load and update a program to a controller.
This video shows how to install an IO Module in DDC controller for a Desert Aire unit.
This video shows how to install a CM3530 DDC controller in a Desert Aire ExpertAire unit.
This video shows how to Install a CM3500 controller.