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Swimming Pool Dehumidification Systems: Commercial & Residential Indoor Pool Dehumidifiers
Desert Aire pool dehumidification systems are essential for superior integrated designs for indoor swimming pools, aquatic centers, and natatoriums. Seamlessly working in harmony coordinating with mechanisms that controls water temperature, purity, and air quality. Our Desert Aire solution prioritizes the health of building users; protects the structural integrity of the building & building systems; and conserves energy, water, and water treatment resources.
Why Dehumidifiers Are Essential in Indoor Pool Environments
The heating, cooling, and moisture loads of a natatorium or indoor pool area are a product of seasonal variations in outdoor air temperature and humidity, solar gains and losses, as well as the presence of spectators, bleacher areas and different crowd dynamics. As the equipment centerpiece linchpin of natatorium HVAC systems, the indoor pool dehumidifier controls humidity in pool enclosures to compensate for what is created by evaporation, regardless of outdoor conditions. Humidity regulation also protects the building’s structural elements, furnishings, décor, and support systems such as lighting and electric systems.
The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) recommend relative humidity in a natatorium stay between 50% and 60%. Lower relative humidity increases operation costs due to increased evaporation and can lead to swimmer discomfort due to evaporative cooling from their bodies when exiting the pool. Higher relative humidity increases the risk to the building structure.
The paramount objective in managing heating, cooling, and moisture loads is sustainability: ensuring that the natatorium or indoor pool room can continue to fulfill the purposes for which it was built in a safe and cost-effective manner. As seen below, we offer a multitude of pool dehumidifier units (ExpertAire™, SelectAire™ & SelectAire Plus™) that meet this goal and excel in various sizes and environments. Click on one of these systems below, or view our Indoor Aquatic Facilities page to read more about our swimming pool dehumidification systems. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you'd like more assistance, or have any questions. For more information about swimming pool load calculations, see our Application Note on Swimming Pool Load Calculations. To put in a sizing request, please visit one of the pages for our indoor pool dehumidification systems below.
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