Cannabis Indoor Grow Rooms and Farming
Desert Aire has been partnering with cannabis growers to educate and transform indoor environments into successful grow rooms. We understand that evaluating design conditions, plant count, and equipment that will size properly in the growing space is not an easy endeavor. We also understand that indoor cannabis growing requires more than your traditional dehumidification process – it requires heating, cooling, and dehumidification. Desert Aire’s GrowAire™ solutions provide the integrated control of temperature, humidity and airflow conditions to enhance and protect crops.
The GrowAire™ solutions unit uses a full-size hot gas reheat system that uses energy absorbed through the evaporator coil. The evaporator coil gains this energy once the overall temperature has been dropped to remove excess moisture in the grow facility. This energy is not new energy, rather energy already paid for and created by the facility. This energy recycling process negates the need for any type of new energy to be created to reheat the cannabis plants within the grow facility.
We support GrowAire™ solutions to provide indoor cannabis grow rooms, drying rooms and cannabis farming facilities with the necessary components to successfully protect crops and allow for enhanced growth within the most controlled environments.
Watch our videos below, including a case study of a licensed medical marijuana grow facility in Massachusetts and details of our products for small- and medium-sized cannabis grow room facilities.