Desert Aire Dehumidifier by Application Type

To engineer your solutions Desert Aire first internalizes your building plans, design goals and the objectives you have for your indoor environments. We then translate your needs into purpose-built dehumidification and dedicated outdoor air systems. These provide greater comfort, process accuracy, enhanced IAQ, structural integrity, long life and efficiently use your resources.

For your convenience we list our products below by your application type.

Grow Rooms & Indoor Farming

Desert Aire units are used in grow rooms and indoor farming for dehumidification

Grow Rooms & Indoor Farming

Our solutions help ensure your crops thrive under the very best conditions and you attain the crop qualities you desire, through all growth, drying, curing and packaging phases.

Cannabis Indoor Grow Rooms & Farming

cannabis plant

Cannabis Indoor Grow Rooms & Farming

Desert Aire understands that growing cannabis indoors requires more than your traditional dehumidification process – it requires heating, cooling, and dehumidification

Indoor Aquatic Facilities

Desert Aire units dehumidify indoor aquatic facilities

Indoor Aquatic Facilities

Our solutions meet the needs of swimming pool owners and operators to protect the health of swimmers, maintain ideal comfort levels, promote the structural integrity of buildings and conserve energy.

Hotel & Hospitality

Hotel and Hospitality Indoor Pool Dehumidifier

Hotel & Hospitality

We offer complete humidity and temperature control solutions and systems that precisely regulate outdoor air, helping hospitality leaders create hotel and meeting facilities that guests prefer.


Desert Aire HVAC Systems Dehumidifies Indoor Residential Pool


Our cost-effective solutions for homeowners with indoor pools, spas and whirlpools promote comfort as well as indoor air quality and protect the value of homes.

Schools & Universities

Schools and Universities DOAS Dedicated Outside Air System

Schools & Universities

We offer schools and universities with natatoriums, pool rooms, storage rooms and archives long-lasting solutions that establish and maintain comfortable, safe and productive indoor environments.

Commercial Office Buildings

Commercial Office Building DOAS Dedicated Outside Air System units

Commercial Office Buildings

Our systems properly condition ventilation air in commercial office buildings and provide temperature and humidity control for the comfort of users, while delivering significant operational savings.

Industrial, Warehouse & Storage


Industrial, Warehouse & Storage

Our systems protect inventory and valuables from mold and mildew that would otherwise form when moisture migrates through walls, openings and ceilings into warehouse and industrial storage rooms.

Water & Wastewater Treatment

Desert Aire Water and Wastewater Treatment Dehumidifier

Water & Wastewater Treatment

Our systems economically help protect equipment from corrosion under low ambient conditions by removing moisture in the winter or summer, especially when raw water temperatures approach 32°F (0°C).

Supermarket & Retail

Supermarket and Retail Dehumidifer

Supermarket & Retail

Our systems enhance the consumer appeal of products in display cases, preventing condensation and fogging on refrigerated display case doors, and hoar frost on frozen food – while saving energy.

Library & Archive

Library and Archive Dehumidification preserves archives and books

Library & Archive

Our systems protect the contents of libraries and archives by preventing mold, mildew and yellowing – and regulate outside air to remove excess humidity and supply the air at room temperature.

Healthcare Facilities

Desert Aire units are used for Healthcare Facilities Dehumidification for indoor air quality

Healthcare Facilities

Designed and built for many years of humidity control, our systems promote the health of occupants and maintain ideal comfort levels – while protecting building spaces from mold, mildew and moisture.

Ice Rinks

Ice Rinks

Our systems keep space humidity low to prevent condensation on ceilings, fog over the ice surface and soft ice – while our “defrost-on-demand” technology ensures peak performance of evaporator coils.