Desert Aire Responds to Coronavirus

March 2020
News Releases


MILWAUKEE, WI, March 27, 2020: On Tuesday March 24, 2020, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers directed Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Secretary designee Andrea Palm to issue a Safer at Home order that prohibits all nonessential travel, with some exceptions as clarified and defined in the order. 

The order is effective 8a.m. on March 25, 2020 until 8 a.m. Friday, April 24, 2020, or until a superseding order is issued.

In this order, Desert Aire qualifies as a supplier to Essential Businesses within the meaning of Emergency Order #12 (“Safer at Home Order”) of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services dated March 24, 2020.

As a manufacturer and supplier of dehumidifiers and other indoor air quality equipment, Desert Aire’s customers and/or end users include healthcare facilities and other essential businesses, and the equipment supplied by Desert Aire is critical to these businesses and their continued safe operation.

As a result, Desert Aire continues to produce products and provide technical support for the HVAC industry. Desert Aire is open for business to support all existing systems, current and future project needs. 

Desert Aire accepts its responsibility to comply with the Department and therefore is staying open for business with some changes:

  • All employees with the ability to work remotely are doing so. Our service, engineering, purchasing, scheduling, marketing and sales operations transitioned to working from home to do our part combatting the spread of the virus.
  • Our Production facility remains open and we are closely monitoring our supply chain and transportation networks.  Currently, there have been very few disruptions.
  • Certain office positions are working at Desert Aire as their jobs don’t allow them to work from home.
  • Non-essential visitors have been restricted from entering our facility.
  • Employee travel has been restricted to essential purposes.
  • Six-foot social distancing protocols have been implemented in all of our work areas.
  • Frequency of cleaning and disinfection for high-touch surfaces have been increased. 

Desert Aire has adopted the guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as the recommended guidelines of local government. 

Desert Aire continues to take all measures necessary to maintain the supply of product during these turbulent times. The Sales, Service, and Purchasing teams are available to address any specific question or need. 

You can contact Desert Aire at its main phone number 262-946-7400, a Desert Aire employee's direct dial phone number.  

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