Our videos highlight the genuine desire we have to provide indoor air quality solutions so that people can live, work and play in clean, healthy and dry environments. Please select a video from the list and links below.
Dehumidifier YouTube Videos from Desert Aire
Desert Aire offers you this fast-paced overview of our dehumidification and Dedicated Outdoor Air System solutions. The video overview includes our TotalAire, Aura, VerticalAire DOAS systems, ExpertAire, SelectAire and SelectAire Plus™ Series solutions for indoor pools, as well as our GrowAire Series for grow rooms and indoor agriculture.
Learn how Desert Aire helps customers get “on the mark” as it provides dehumidifiers and Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS).
Desert Aire met the challenge of the EVO Swim School in Gilbert, Arizona to provide an indoor pool dehumidification system that matched its motto, “Where Learning to Swim Has Evolved”.