Yes, Desert Aire units are available with AireGuard, Desert Aire's remote monitoring and alarming tool that allows a user to easily monitor the performance of the dehumidifier on a cloud-based database at any computer or portable device.


Information security is maintained since this is a cloud based system where the client computer only accesses the remote data servers.


Users log onto the cloud-based service to view and interact with data. No further access to your local network is required. This connection will meet all of your IT department’s security requirements. LC, LV, and LCQ Series products have an onboard Ethernet connection as standard.


The AireGuard interface easily brings the read and write variables in real time to the display screen. It allows the user to adjust set points remotely as well as monitor all the operating variables.


The alarm management feature of AireGuard provides the owner with email or SMS notifications at time of occurrence. With appropriate access to the Desert Aire dehumidifier unit via the cloud, the servicing contractor or Desert Aire may be able to evaluate the unit’s alarm with corrective action without visiting the site.


AireGuard is included with each LC/LV/LCQ unit and includes a two year subscription to the cloud data storage. Renewal subscriptions can be purchased after expiration. View the AireGuard brochure.

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