Swimming Pool Dehumidification Systems for Indoor Pool Humidity Control

Jewish Community Center Indoor Pool in Louisville KentuckyThese days no two Indoor Aquatic Facilities are alike. Recreational and competitive swimmers join families, students and medical patients in seeking indoor pools, water parks and natatoriums that meet personalized needs for healthy, appealing places to have fun, compete and restore health. However, all Indoor Aquatic Facilities need top of the line indoor pool dehumidification systems for their indoor pools and spas in order to operate properly.

Why Do Indoor Pool Areas Need Dehumidification?

Indoor pool humidity control and pool dehumidifier systems prevent things like condensation, mold growth & accelerated building decay including corrosion. Over time, if condensation is allowed to form, the acidic content of the condensation can destroy key building features such as doors, windows, fixtures and, in the worst-case scenario, can accelerate building decay.

Chlorine disinfectants added to pool water to destroy germs will create airborne disinfection by-products that can be hazardous to health if not properly removed. There are also plenty of other issues that arise from the area not being properly dehumidified, as well as plenty of benefits to having a properly dehumidified indoor aquatic area.

Benefits of a Well Dehumidified Indoor Pool Area

Having a good dehumidification system and proper humidity in your indoor aquatic facility can provide many benefits, and save you money. Some of these benefits are:

  • Improved indoor air quality, therefore protecting the health of swimmers, divers, coaches and spectators.
  • Enhanced long-term structural integrity of the building and supporting systems.
  • Conserved energy, water and water treatment resources.

Facilities That May Benefit From Indoor Pool Humidity Control

  • Natatoriums
  • High schools
  • Indoor aquatic centers
  • Community centers
  • YMCAs
  • Hotels
  • Fitness centers
  • Swim and diving clubs
  • Indoor water parks
  • Spas
  • Physical therapy clinics

Why Desert Aire?

Desert Aire builds on in-depth understanding and application expertise as well as proven technologies to tailor indoor pool dehumidification system solutions to the specific needs of owner/operators, their swimmers and communities – and the buildings that serve them all, including swimming pool dehumidifier installation.

We have been providing commercial dehumidifier solutions since 1978 and have installations throughout North America. We look forward to assisting with your next pool dehumidification project! 

If you have any questions, or would like more info on our dehumidification systems, please contact us! If you are in charge of HVAC for buildings like these and are interested in our dehumidification systems, please request a quote.


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